This is part of a series of posts I'm making in prep for a FFXIV x D&D sourcebook I'm writing. Other related articles are:
This is part of a series of posts I'm making in prep for a FFXIV x D&D sourcebook I'm writing. Other related articles are:
This is part of a series of posts that details parts of my homebrew campaign setting. Initially inspired by Forgotten Realm's Baldur's Gate, Vyardor's Seat is a city full of rival gangs and merchants that struggle for control of the city's economic power, all while evading the wrath of it's ruler; an old and powerful Great Wyrm.
This time, I go over the city's overall organization and function. I made a temporary city map to better visualize the city, which you can see below. I'll be posting more zoomed in versions of this image as I talk about each of the districts. Hopefully, I'll have a better map in the future!
Likewise, this is all something of a first draft look into the city, so I'm very likely bound to return to this post to provide updates.
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A rudimentary city map of Vyardor's Seat made by yours truly |
Being a spectacular trading city that has had little setbacks over it's long history, Vyardor's Seat has access to most technological advancements. It has a well-built sewer system that covers the entire city proper. It also has several means of transportation both within the city, as well as to other cities. Higher-class and middle-class citizens are both well informed and well entertained.
Most business is done in the main city, so travel through the Salagorian river isn't necessary unless you're part of the militia, or if you have family in the Vyardor Slums, located on the other side of the river. This means that travel through the river isn't accessible in a private fashion, though there is a public water trolley that travels from one side to the other every so often. If you can't afford the water trolley, there are bridges between the two lands and the islets that connect to each other, though these have a curfew.
Though middle-class citizens don't typically have their own means of transportation, both public and private means of transportation are accessible to them, in the form of large wagons and small coaches.
Vyardor's Seat is more than capable of building and planning for in-city airship travel; However, Vyardor and his brood are notorious for knocking airships down, since they don't appreciate anything coming near the height of Vyardor's perching tower (That is Vyardor's reason at least. His children just seem content on following through because it's fun).
Finally, because Vyardor's Seat is part of a dwarven underground rail system, it has access to fast and safe travel to other cities that are part of the system as well.
The "Bronze District" was named after Vyardor's scale color when the villagers assumed he was a bronze dragon. It is currently what the old small town used to be. Currently, it is a tourist spot that has preserved some of the old buildings, and the city's governing officials have a space for their meetings in this district as well. Most notably however, is the city's namesake, a giant tower that has seen several upgrades to it's height. Not too far away from the tower is the well-protected Genesis Tree that protects the city from the Mist (More info on this later!).
This district goes along the Salagorian river, and it's where you'll find all the inns and established businesses in. Most artisans that live in the city have established shops in this district. You can also find several warehouses hidden from the main roads, and this also serves as the main grounds for most guild quarters.
Located between the Bronze District, the Patrician's District and the Living District, merchants and peddlers populate this district every day; This is the main commercial hub of the city. Patricians often prefer making their purchases from this district, given it's convenient position to the Patrician's District. One of the city's main attractions is the Central Plaza, which allows visitors a splendid view of many of the city's main buildings from different districts in one convenient location.
Sticking out like a sore thumb is the destroyed ancestral home of one of these nine families; They betrayed Vyardor centuries ago, and the dragon saw fit to decimate the family and any would-be descendants. Now the space where they used to live serves as a constant grim reminder for those who would consider stepping out of line.
Recently, it's said that during certain nights, the mansion will appear restored and with people inside, but no one has dared investigate such rumors for fear of Vyardor's retribution.
This district is located besides the Docking District, and it houses all of the working middle-class civilians. Though it was called as such to categorize it as the residential district, recent reports reveal strange sounds of laughter and shouting in quiet alleys, spreading rumors that this district is indeed "living". Despite city officials pushing for a change of name for the district in fear it would affect tourism, it's done the opposite, and so they've put the issue to rest. Some residents, however, continue to demand to know the source of these sounds.
Built originally for the working class, the Entertainment District is located next to the Living District and the Trader's District. It counts with several well-equipped structures designed to comfortably allow hundreds, if not thousands of members at a time. Such structures include a theatre, a coliseum, and a natural park, among others.
Located between the Learning District and the Entertainment District, the Temple District contains most of the city's temples to the gods. Most of these temples provide a specific service to whoever would visit them. Among these is a library, a hospital, a bathhouse, a morgue, and the headquarters for the city's Dragon Knight chapter, among others.
A temple to the Lady of Storms can be found in the Docking Station, while a temple of the Hanged One can be found in the Outer City.
More information on these deities and their temples will be provided in a future blog post.
The Learning District contains most of the city's places of learning and training. These include a military school, a school of music & art, and a magic school for wizards.
A small community of dwarves live next to the inner border of the city walls. In this district is a dwarf-maintained underground rail station that connects Vyardor's Seat with other cities in the continent (I'll provide more information about this underground rail in a future post!). This district is also at the northern end of the Bronze Road, which goes straight through the Living, Learning, Temple, Entertainment, and Trader's districts, all the way to the Bronze District.
In order to protect the city from outside threats, a city wall was built about 500 feet away from within the Genesis Tree's protective aura's limit. This, however, did not stop people from setting up makeshift homes outside the walls, creating what would eventually come to be known as the lower class district of the city. Recently, the Outer City has expanded so much that corners of it are now outside of the Genesis Tree's protective aura.
The Green District is where Vyardor's servants, composed mainly of kobolds and half-dragons, reside. No one else is allowed in these grounds, and it's residents have permission to attack any who trespass.
Located on the shore to the other side of the Salagorian river and taking up the remaining space within the Genesis Tree's protective aura, this makeshift district is composed of immigrants who are looking for a safe place from the mists, and don't have the income to move within the city proper. City officials were happy to let them stay without paying much attention to them until several decades ago, when Vyardor increased his yearly tribute to account for those living in these slums, claiming that everything within range of the Genesis Tree is still a part of his city.
This decision then forced city officials and merchants to invest in these slums, so that it's residents may help make up for the yearly tribute increase.
Since Vyardor doesn't take kindly to airships in his city, there are no airship docks within it's grounds. However, there are many who would still prefer to arrive by air, and so a private airship dock was made several miles to the south, on the other side of the Salagorian river. These docks are technically not part of the city, so it counts with it's own security personnel, and it's own expensive docking fees.
Next time, I'll be talking more about the people of Vyardor's Seat.
This is part of a series of posts that details parts of my homebrew campaign setting. Initially inspired by Forgotten Realm's Baldur's Gate, Vyardor's Seat is a city full of rival gangs and merchants that struggle for control of the city's economic power, all while evading the wrath of it's ruler; an old and powerful Great Wyrm.
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Artist: Tyler Edlin |
Vyardor's Seat is a sprawling city located across a river. The river itself contains several islets, through which the city has grown to occupy, all the way to the other side of the river. The main part of the city, where the original town was located, lies close to a large forest surrounded by mountains. On the other side of the river are several hills.
The main purpose of the city of Vyardor's Seat, originally, has been that of defense; Primarily by protection of the Ancient Green Wyrm, Vyardorrogroeniix (Vyardor for short), also known as The Viridescent King, after whom the city is named. The people of Vyardor's Seat pay a yearly tribute, and in return, Vyardor ensures the city's protection.
Vyardor has been so successful, in fact, that many have flocked to this city for safety. This, combined with aggressive yearly tributes and a strategic location, has been the catalyst of a booming economy, making Vyardor's Seat one of the most reliable cities for trading.
Because the city has had to expand over time, several walls have been made for protection in the past. However, due to the current spread out state of the city, the strategy for defense has been to invest in local mercenary companies as well as militia. These function both as local enforcement and as armed forces used to protect the city from hostile attacks.
Because of the city's constant and strong leadership (Very few settlements have survived while also having the same ruler over centuries of time), it has been a staple of stability. And even though crime and corruption is rampant in it's streets, the city's overall direction has always been constant, giving Vyardor's Seat the title of The City of Vision.
Several centuries ago, before Vyardor's Seat was a commercial juggernaut defended by a green dragon, it was just a small port town for travelers going across the river. Then one day, this small town was raided by sahuagin, leaving the already fledgling town defenseless.
Desperate, the surviving villagers decided on finding a fast way to protect themselves. There were rumors of a Bronze Dragon that lived in the woods nearby, and so the villagers set out to plead the dragon for help.
The Bronze Dragon that these villagers were seeking was actually Vyardorrogroeniix, a young Green Dragon with a birth defect that caused his scales to look bronze yellow instead of green; it wasn't until several years later that his green scales would appear, giving him the title of Viridescent.
Vyardor agreed to protect the town, with the following conditions:
Though the settlement has seen it's fair share of attacks, Vyardor has always managed to defend it with few resulting civilian casualties, either by mercenaries in his employ or his own efforts. Vyardor has even appropriated or conquered neighboring towns or rival cities, turning his own city into the heart of a kingdom, and as such has fully established his grip of power in the region.
Over the centuries, Vyardor has raised three sons, each from a different mate. He's delegated responsibilities of the two other biggest cities under his command to his oldest two sons, and he's given Vyardor's Seat to his youngest to watch after while Vyardor, now a powerful dragon in his late stages of life, spends his remaining days in his lair, which is located somewhere in the forest near Vyardor's Seat.
Next time, I'll be expanding more on Vyardor's Seat, including it's technology and it's people.
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